Earn To Die 2012 Part 2

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Vues 6080
Enregistré 108
Taille 5.74 M
Extension .HTML5
Largeur 750
Hauteur 500
Étoiles 4
La Description
Drive your car through a zombie apocalypse in this massive follow-up to the chart-topping hit Earn to Die! An evacuation ship is waiting on the other...

Drive your car through a zombie apocalypse in this massive follow-up to the chart-topping hit Earn to Die!
An evacuation ship is waiting on the other side of the country. The only thing that stands in your way: city after city overrun by zombies . With only a run-down car and a small amount of cash you face a familiar situation... to drive through hordes of zombies in order to survive!

Les Contrôles
Arrow keys to move. 
Space key to turbo.

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