Fire Rocket

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Vues 391
Enregistré 525
Taille 180.44 K
Extension .SWF
Largeur 550
Hauteur 500
Étoiles 4
La Description
Guide your firework through the aerial obstructions using the left and right arrow keys. Beware, your fuse is getting shorter each second and more...

Guide your firework through the aerial obstructions using the left and right arrow keys. Beware, your fuse is getting shorter each second and more when using boost by holding space bar. Collect the power-ups for points and upgrades as you get bigger and better rockets for bigger explosions and more points. As you upgrade your rocket, you earn points from power-ups and increasing altitude. It might be harder to fly bigger rockets.. but it'll be worth for the nuke.

Les Contrôles
Left key Right key to move.
SPACE key to speed up.

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