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Game Bugs

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Vues 70
Enregistré 417
Taille 739.99 K
Extension .SWF
Largeur 520
Hauteur 520
Étoiles 4
La Description
A top-view free-for-all shooter where the enemy is fast and the bullets are faster. Jump into the role of Jintu, an inner-city kid who, while...

A top-view free-for-all shooter where the enemy is fast and the bullets are faster. Jump into the role of Jintu, an inner-city kid who, while messing with a chemistry kit, accidentally clones himself. His clone escapes re-clones himself hundreds of times and each clone wants to assume Jintu’s identity. Jintu refuses to fight until the clones go after his friends. Now, Jintu seeks revenge for his friends, and he won’t stop until all the clones are eradicated.

Les Contrôles
Utilisez la souris ou le clavier pour jouer !
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