Sift Heads Cartels - Act 3

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Vues 463
Enregistré 505
Taille 11.25 M
Extension .SWF
Largeur 800
Hauteur 440
Étoiles 4
La Description
Vinnie and his team are confronted with a vengeful clan which will bring them to track the culprit or culprits down. But things don’t turn out...

Vinnie and his team are confronted with a vengeful clan which will bring them to track the culprit or culprits down. But things don’t turn out as planned, when suddenly Vinnie finds himself in the worst place possible! An action-paced game that features classic shoot outs, sniping, close combats and intense car chases. The game even has new weapons and introduces new combat moves.

Les Contrôles
WASD keys to move.
Left mouse to shoot.
Space key to reload.
1 key .. 9 key to change weapons.

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