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Game Bugs

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Vues 54
Enregistré 421
Taille 10.08 M
Extension .SWF
Largeur 640
Hauteur 480
Étoiles 4
La Description
This is a 2D, horizontal scrolling shoot'em up in the spirit of classic games such as R-type and Gradius. Play as a small, round mech, Dizzy,...

This is a 2D, horizontal scrolling shoot'em up in the spirit of classic games such as R-type and Gradius. Play as a small, round mech, Dizzy, and his human co-pilot, Charley, in a search to find and rescue their friends after an alien invasion. The Game features five areas all with completely distinct, parallax scrolling backgrounds and each with its own unique, multi-staged boss. It also features over a dozen unique enemies to destroy.

Les Contrôles
Utilisez la souris ou le clavier pour jouer !

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