Team Of Robbers

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Vues 1068
Enregistré 508
Taille 1.69 M
Extension .SWF
Largeur 640
Hauteur 480
Étoiles 5
La Description
A team of robbers have come together to maximize their loots. Start with only the burglar and get more people on your team as you get to higher...

A team of robbers have come together to maximize their loots. Start with only the burglar and get more people on your team as you get to higher levels. Each robber has their special skill so you will need to use them all to bypass security and rob homes, museums, and banks.

Les Contrôles
WASD keys or Arrow keys to move.
SPACE key to use ability.
1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key to switch robber.

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