The Rise of the Legion

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Vues 54
Enregistré 390
Taille 11.19 M
Extension .SWF
Largeur 800
Hauteur 600
Étoiles 4
La Description
In this game you take the role of a Legate: the commander of a Roman legion during the Gallic Wars in the 1st century BC. Follow the orders of...

In this game you take the role of a Legate: the commander of a Roman legion during the Gallic Wars in the 1st century BC. Follow the orders of Julius Caesar and lead your legion to achieve his goals and conquer all of Gaul, and even Britain. Participate in raids, sieges, skirmishes, landings and battles on a large scale. All for the glory of Rome!

Les Contrôles
Utilisez la souris ou le clavier pour jouer !
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